Live Love Laugh Makeup

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Friday, October 26, 2012

Review: Donna Michelle Plum Scented Lip Gloss

Hey guys!
So today I'll be doing a review on Donna Michelle Lip Gloss. I saw this at the Dollar Tree and I thought, oh why the heck not. It was only a dollar so I really didn't have anything to loose. 
There is ALOT of lipgloss in this thing. I'm not joking, I've had this for a pretty long time and there seems to be no end in sight.

The kind I got was the Plum Scented. It does smell like plums, and its not really strong. But after awhile the smell starts to go away and you really don't notice it anymore.
This was the darkest shade that they had there. Most of the colors were pink or just clear. The only other scents I remember them having was Cherry and Strawberry, both of which were really light colors, if I remember right :) So the color in the tube looks really dark and purplish, kind of like a plum. :) But once you put it one your lips, the color just goes away, and its really shiny. I got a little bit of color to show up in the swatch below, and thats about as much as you can get to show on your lips. Maybe not even that.
The very first thing I noticed while swatching it was that I couldn't get a good consistent color. It was really starting to annoy me. This lip gloss is really smooth so I thought it would be easy to get some consistent color but nooo, it somehow kept clumping and just not going on very nicely at all.
This is the lip gloss on half of my lips. Notice how I finally got it smooth... after 8 tries. It definitely doesn't look like the swatch I did. This is nice and even.

So as you can see, the color isn't very dark at all. Its mostly just shiny, with maybe a tint of color. This lip gloss is very sheer.
Now on all of my lips it looks very nice I think. No clumps, just smooth and pretty. Took it awhile to get it that way. I spent alot of time dabbing my lips with a tissue, then rubbing my lips together, then dabbing some more until I had a nice smooth and even coat. So as you can guess, this lip gloss is NOT buildable. You would screw up the whole smoothness you have going on.
Sticky wise though, I don't think its like that. Its very smooth, feels nice on your lips, moisturizes it seems, and would be a nice lip gloss if not for the consistency.... And there is one other thing. It lasts on your lips for about 5 minutes before its just gone. I don't know where it goes but it just disappears. I guess its moisturizing your lips, but its a huge disappointment that it's just suddenly gone. On the bright side it doesn't leave a weird coloring behind, its as if it was never there. :o
Packaging is pretty simply. The slant tube that you just put on your lips, or you can use your finger. It does get semi messy though, just a warning. And like I said before, alot of product comes with this for only a dollar. So overall it's ok. To sum everything up:
Lots of product
nice color
Doesn't last long
very inconsistent
Kind of messy
Overall Score:
Its not horrible, not fantastic either. So I wouldn't recommend this, but if you get it, its only a dollar. Nothing lost there.
Now last I don't know if you noticed the ring I was wearing in the pictures, but I wanted to show it to you.
I absolutely love it!!! I got it for only $5 at Icing and have been wearing it ever since. I've gotten so many compliments on it too. One of my favorite rings. So I just thought I would show you guys. Hope you liked the review :)
Lots of Love,

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