Live Love Laugh Makeup

“Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world.” ― Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Review: E.l.F.Plumping Lip Glaze in Oasis

I never thought I would find it so difficult to keep up with my blog and keep doing reviews. This week has been so busy, it's unbelievable. But I'm going to try to keep posting as much as possible. No promises though :)

So today I'm doing a review on the e.l.f. Plumping Lip Glaze in the color Oasis. This is from e.l.fs Essential line, so it's one of the cheapest lip glosses they have.

What the e.l.f. website says:
Forget costly Collagen injections, or those painfully stinging glosses, stimulate your senses to a refreshed full perfect pout with Plumping Lip Glaze! A revolutionary lip plumper, infusing natural ingredients that awaken your senses for fresh, volume-enhanced and moisturized lips. This dual sided Plumping Lip Glaze has a tinted color for a subtle plump or a clear gloss that power plumps your lips. Wear together and instantly feel the lip enlarging effects!

So the clear side that you see above is the plumping glaze and the pink is the color side, Oasis. There isn't much gloss in these little tubes, so it tends to be used up much quicker than I'm used to. Both sides of the lip gloss have a doe foot applicator that seems very tiny.

The color side is so pretty. Nothing really unique though. It's a very light pink, almost clear, with tiny micro sparkles. This is not pigmented AT ALL.

Here is half of my lips with this color on them:
As you can see the color isn't very noticable, it's mostly the sparkles you can see, and a little bit of shine.

Now the plumping side is just clear, nothing special there.

So I don't really need a lip plumper since I'm young and my lips are nice, but I just wanted to try it out. This does not plump your lips though, but it feels like it is. The feeling is tingly and your lips feel cool like you have tooth paste or mint on them. The smell is sorta minty too, but kind of nasty I think. The taste.... I don't even want to think about it. I'm always licking my lips thoughout the day, but with this stuff on I have to resist the urge. It's just horrible. It literally made me nauseous and made me never want to wear this stuff again. But the tingly sensation is just so nice I couldn't help myself. I just have to remember to NEVER lick my lips when this is on.
Overall I'm not sure I would buy this again. It is only $1 (how great is that?) but it's not an incredible lip gloss. The color isn't original, but it is pretty. The plumping glaze feels amazing but is the nastiest tasting stuff ever. Because of that I'm just not sure I would be willing to get this again. Maybe I will if I can't find another lip gloss that is as tingly as this, but until then most likely not.

Rating 2/5


  1. Hey hunny not a huge fan of these myself great review i replied to you message on my wet n wild lip colour :)
